I used this action to create objects from group using array var to specify which one by RandomInRange for child index of array
Under that i had Change Z order of objects from that group set to -1
And it did work for all of them except very 1st object
I was sure it is a bug related to create objects not changing Z order for that 1st object from the list
But turned out i simply DID NOT add it to said group
So basically it could create ANY object (and i tested it) i had in object list
Even if it is not in object group
Like if object is in that group or not is just ignored
For example
I have group called Enemies with SlimeRed SlimeBlue SlimeYellow
Now it does not matter how i want to create them
Since i could simply create object SettingsButton
By putting in object name in said action “SettingsButton” even so it is not in Enemies group