Among objects GroupNameHere create object named SomeTextHereOrVarOrExpression at position Can create objects that are NOT in specified group

I used this action to create objects from group using array var to specify which one by RandomInRange for child index of array
Under that i had Change Z order of objects from that group set to -1
And it did work for all of them except very 1st object
I was sure it is a bug related to create objects not changing Z order for that 1st object from the list
But turned out i simply DID NOT add it to said group

So basically it could create ANY object (and i tested it) i had in object list
Even if it is not in object group
Like if object is in that group or not is just ignored

For example
I have group called Enemies with SlimeRed SlimeBlue SlimeYellow

Now it does not matter how i want to create them
Since i could simply create object SettingsButton
By putting in object name in said action “SettingsButton” even so it is not in Enemies group

Thanks for reporting this!
This is indeed something that should not work (so don’t rely on this :))

I think action to create objects by their name so we could use child vars from array to crate random ones or even just roster
Would be cool feature
Cause we could now prepare via events roster of objects we care to create
Without creating separate groups for every single scenario

So having current create object action
And create object by name
And then create object from group by name
Would be better option

BUT on other hand idk how many ppl would actually use it
And another create object action could be more confusing for new users rather than useful for older users