Animation doesn't change properly when the sprite is hidden

The collision masks of animations do not change according to the animation frames. I had a conversation about the same issue on Discord which I had been informed to have been fixed, though it doesn’t appear to have been.

Fix Sprite collision mask updating when animation frames have different ones by D8H - GitHub

I updated my GDevelop to version 5.3.201, but the issue persists. The collision masks only match when the sprite is not hidden (shown in the video below).

GDevelop hidden object collision mask bug. - YouTube

When the MCWeaponHitbox is not hidden, the collision masks are as expected. But as soon as I hide the sprite, the collision masks stop changing, or working as expected. To combat this, I’m changing its opacity to 0 (it seems to work for now).


Does this still happen if the advanced toggle “keep animating when off screen” is checked on the sprite object?


Toggling that solves my issue! Never saw that advanced option, haha. Well, my issue’s solved, so thanks.

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