Hi. I’ve been a professional UI designer for websites and software for over 20 years, and I spent my life in Photoshop. Now I occasionally dabble in programming, trying to create simple and elegant games. I’m brand new here, and am in the middle of the first tutorial (Platform game). I could swear that my setup looks identical to the tutorial, but my little guy doesn’t animate. It just stays in its Idle animation. Has anyone had a similar experience, or is aware of some subtle or simple setting/condition that might be causing this? I suppose I should really post this elsewhere, but what the heck.
Thank you! I will check my setup against the tutorial again and, unless I see something, I will post it (assuming I can figure out how to do that!). It’s hard to believe that it could be a bug: I’m too new, and if there were an obvious bug in the first tutorial I’d think that others would be reporting it also.
I figured it out! Player is jumping, Player is falling, Player is on floor were all in the same “group”. I must have kept selecting “Add a condition” to the first event I made instead of using the Add a New Empty Event button.
Thanks for you offers of help. I’m sure I’ll be back for more assistance.