Anyone tried other game engines after using Gdevelop for a while?

I started using Unity a few years ago and got bored and stopped because everything took so long and was quite complicated for simple things. Wonder how it would have been if I went back to Unity now after a few years with Gdevelop?

Anyone who has used Gdevelop for quite a while and then tested some of the bigger game engines like Unity, Godot, Unreal after that? How was your experience?

I you are building big 3d world like fallout 4.
Then Unreal is a good option.
Building a game like hollow knight.
Use unity or godot.
Problem with Gdevelop is its build on javascript,
so no export to console.
But it has no-coding.

-Good tutorials
-Really hard to export
-Playstation, Nintendo, Xbox. android, apple, linux, windows
-take´s something from your money

The problem with Godot is their forum being full of people crying about their code not working because they can’t spell for toffee.

And Godot has a problem with PERFORMACHE

As far as other engines that I’ve dug into:

  • Unreal is great for 3D if you work towards an understanding of blueprints (their visual scripting system), but it is much “lower level” than GDevelop so you have to understand coding concepts more.
  • Unity is still a solid engine, but I wouldn’t trust the company whatsoever at this point. If you’re looking for an equivalent, check out the Flax Engine. It’s near parity with Unity and in some cases performs better. Also, the included Bolt visual scripting is fine, but not really great. If you want something like Hollow Knight you’d need to use what they did (Playmaker), which is a purchased add-on.
  • Godot is also a solid engine, but has no official targets for consoles (although they have a porting studio you can hire). No (official) visual scripting anymore, either. It’s still coming into it’s own performance wise for 3D, so I’d probably still recommend Flax (or Unreal) over Godot for 3D games. Solid community though. (Especially after a recent exodus of those who weren’t solid)
  • Game Maker Studio 2 is also solid, but almost feels limited nowadays unless you’re going to use their typed scripting language. Their visual scripting system hasn’t had updates in a few years as far as I know.

All of that said, if you’re looking for a 2D/3D engine to try outside of GDevelop, the one I’d recommend most to anyone not fully 3D focused is Defold.

  • It uses Lua for scripting instead of C++/C#/etc, so it’s easier in many cases to get up and running.
  • It has export targets for Playstation and Nintendo consoles (assuming you have a Dev SDK license with those companies)
  • It has super solid performance.
  • It is battle tested. (Candy Crush runs on Defold)

It is primarily a 2D and 2D+3D models focused engine, so while full 3D games are possible, it will be more difficult to get going than the others above. The devs have said that’s an upcoming focus for them, though.

Imo if you’re more into coding go with Unity, Godot or Unreal.
If you instead want more time for the funny parts (spriting,music,animation ecc…)
go with GD.
In any case i suggest GD since i find the coding part boring in other engine…
and you can make a game faster and easier.

The cons is just that you’re a bit limited on performances but mosts depends on what kind of game you want to make.

As an old Game Maker user, i could say that GD is “actually” the best 2D engine.
About Unity 2D is great too but i it’s really hard to make a “full” game “alone” in Unity 2D.

In the end the best thing of GD is that you may not need a team to accomplish something…