BMMB: BioMechanic Man Boy

Okay thank you! :smiley: Aaaaand again I solve the problem: It was my computer fault, I updated whole computer and now it’s working (for a while I hope :smiley:).
You can press F2 to resize the window (maybe 2 times if not working first time) :slight_smile: Have to make key to exit the game :smiley:

Thanks for feedback! :slight_smile:

Edit. Now you can exit by pressing ESC button :slight_smile: And btw it’s much better play with controller (especially snes!) so if you have one, try it out! First you have to download this or some else program: so you can play that game with your joystick :stuck_out_tongue: Haven’t done joystick button in the game yet.

Funny coincidence is I already have JotToKey CX
Sadly my PC controller broke awhile back :frowning:
I’ll try it if I get another one soon.

And I tried F2 but I may have not pressed it twice o_o*

And good thing that ESC exits the game now, but may want to put a pause menu or “Are you sure you want to exit?” menu there in the future. I was just reading on GameJolt the other day that players are afraid of the ESC key because it keeps ruining there progress when they thought it was a pause button :neutral_face: (Not my opinion, but GameJolt had it on there.)

How sad :confused: But try it out if you get one!
There is bug with F2 that I have to fix and now it works when press it twice :smiley:

Yeah that Esc for exit is just temporary so you can exit the game more easily now (Now it reads also in the menu screen). In the future I will make better pause menu where is opinions Exit or resume :stuck_out_tongue: But that is very good to know that Esc is not good for exit!

Update again! New things:
-Exp and level up system! So player can earn expoints and level up. Every level up player get one level up point which can be used to upgrade attack or hp (for now, more later).
-New background made by me (If there is graphic artist who can make pixel art, especially backgrounds, please write private message!).
-New enemies
-Pause is now in behind ESC button and if you press ENTER you go upgrade menu.
-Bug fixes

Tell me what do you like the game now :slight_smile: Thank you!

Now you can beat the boss of the stage and more story to read. I think Introstage is pretty ready now… Only little things will come later, but now it only needs more graphics and music etc. (If you’re interested in to join to make some pixel graphics, please tell me! :slight_smile: )
I’d like to hear if you find any bugs in the game so I can fix them. And of course tell your thoughts about this game and if you have mind what we should add in the game! :smiley:

PS. If you have trouble with LShift, remove Sticky Keys thing. I change the controls later.


That looks awesome :slight_smile:

Thank you! :slight_smile:

“Demo” is on Game Jolt:

Check BioMechanic Man Boy version 0.1.2 demo out!

In the game jolt please rate the game on scale 1-5 (terrible-perfecto!) as you liked it and/or leave a comment aaand follow the game if you are interested how it progress!
Thank you and have a nice day! :smiley:

I uploaded this game again on gamejolt so please go, try and rate the game how you liked it! :slight_smile:
Playthrough video:

C’mon dudes and dudettes! Please rate the game on gamejolt and maybe even leave a comment about the game what is good what is not! Rate the game as you liked it, if it was completely bullshit give it 1, if it was great give it 4-5 and so on! It means a lot to me, and I don’t want to start begging and be annoying, but yeah… :smiley: And I think it’s even help GDevelop somehow when people see that it’s made by GDevelop (like new users).

here is the link again try demo:

Thank you! :slight_smile:

ps. You can log in gamjolt via your facebook, twitter or gamejolt account to rate the game.

The game is taking shape nicely, I like the music too :slight_smile:

I find the first boss a bit overpowered because:
-when he jumps he jumps right where the player is makes no mistake
-it hard to tell what the boss going to do next, sometime he jumps but sometime he just turn around
-cause damage if you collide with the boss anywhere
-the boss cause way too high damage, I touch the boss only few times and that’s it, game over

I mean if it would be the 3rd boss or something, it ok but for the first boss it feels a bit too strong.
If you accept suggestions, I would suggest to:
-make the first boss cause damage only if he jumps on our head or we are in-front of him and he is playing the punch animation and we are colliding, otherwise cause no damage.

-make the boss cause less damage or add health packs after every x damage the player caused to the boss because he is just finishing me too fast, Instead of making the boss strong, make him tough and give him more health and some special high damage attack that may use every 2-3 sec or so but not all the time.

-limit the jump distance of the boss and make him jump only if the player is at certain distance, if the player too close or too far, just make him turn around, it would allow the player to have more room for tactics against the boss.

EDIT:// alternatively, instead of making the boss less powerful, when we are in a boss fight, if we die instead of start from the last checkpoint, just make the player respawn so we don’t need to start the boss fight all over again, let us use all the lives left to beat the boss.

First of all, thank you a lot using your time about commenting the game! This is great that I hear these things from different people! I appreciate this a lot!

I’ll put your suggestions in my mind and try these things.

And about that boss. The boss got pattern what it do. If you are close, it try hit you with fist and if you are too far away it jumps (I tried different distances and that was pretty good). There is hitbox in that fist but I think it’s not working perfectly right now and I have to check that out (you should be able to walk through fist when boss is not attacking). I have to check boss hitbox too.
But really, that boss is pretty easy when you figured out the pattern, just like old school Mega Man games etc. :smiley: Or that what all the testers have said it is pretty easy… :smiley: But I have to test it more and that’s why I hope people in here test this game so I get more opinions about these things!

Thank you, again!