Board game example / template

Just published an enhanced version of my April example jam game. It’s a roll dice to move board game example with mini games between turns. A style similar to Mario party.

Source code available too


Hey there, can you please share the events sheet? It would be really helpful :slight_smile:

Yeah! if you click the download on the itch page, extract the zip file, the gdevelop project is in there named “DinoParty-VideoBoardgameExample.json”

Your board game example sounds like a blast, especially with the mini-games between turns, reminiscent of Mario Party’s fun and engaging gameplay. It’s great that you’ve published an enhanced version of your April example jam game!
If you’re looking to add another fun element to your game, consider integrating a virtual coin flipper. It can add a touch of randomness and excitement to decision-making moments in your game, enhancing the overall experience for players.
Keep up the great work, and thanks for sharing your game with the community!