Brainstorming about changing Game Develop name

I propose names that could be pronounced either in French and in English, including playing on the words that exist in both languages ​​(studio, centre, etc…) …

  • Studio 4 (reference to “4ian”)
  • CFR (“concepteur de jeux par Florian Rival”, “game designer by Florian Rival” in English)
  • V-Concept (“V” for “Video”)
  • CJ Studio (CJ for “créateur de jeux”, “game maker” in English)

These proposals could be pronounced in both languages​​. For example, “Studio 4” would be pronounced “Studio Quatre” as “Studio Four”.

thanks, he chose some years ago.
What google says going to church, so gdevelop me, took many years battling with the name, jjejejej … I was the first one to chose.

If you like gdevelop name and choose to set yourselves, is yours!, Free one year hosting services!

Best regards :slight_smile:

I have a few:

(that’s what our games is to us and that’s what this engine is to you.)

(Sanskrit for Creation)

Engage (Engine)
(Create games that engage)

Using name like these would make sure Google hits directly to you and not the process of game development like it does. Also they allow for plethora of complimenting logo designs.

I like the names “Rachna” and “Engage”, because they are names that can be pronounced in both French and English.

everyone is requesting it! :smiley:
Change the name already. We are getting the same comments at forums and websites.

why you gave the online version the google friendly name (gdevelop) and the open source one keeps the same name.

I propose calling it
something along the lines.

The name should promote its open source nature imo.

gamedevelop is a too generic name that search engines hate. Everyone agrees

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I have no suggestion for names but I’d just like to say that I don’t think it’s a good idea to add the word ‘game’ to the name.

I like the the name Engage Engine though :sunglasses:

Any other thoughts about OpenGDev ? :slight_smile:
Sounds nice having open on the name. Looks like a bit GDevApp (surely the final name of the webapp), nice also.

Honestly I hate it :neutral_face:
Just feels too “crowded” for me, it try to represent too much information imo.

If you really want to change it I would prefer something light, short and elegant so please don’t try to put all the information of “this is open source”, “this is free”, “this is game development tool”, “no programming required” or any of it properties and functions into it name :unamused:

Just find an unique name that sounds good and unique. Even your surname sounds good as GD new name at least to me:
“Rival”. Simply just call it “Rival”. Maybe it sounds stupid to you, I don’t know how common this surname in France and rest of the world but it sounds cool to me :smiling_imp:

Anyway I would prefer something short, simple like that and not related to it function and properties in any ways.

Some existing example:

In my opinion, it name not necessarily have to refer to it properties and functions don’t even have to be a word in any language that means anything. I’m sure there are some “words” and names you really like (to use) for whatever reason, just make a list of them and try to find a new name that way. You can even change a letter in a word/name you like, for example Rival - Ryval you can even swap the letters Lavyr - Lavir - Aryl - Yral - Vyral and you can even add more letters to it to make something completely unique (or existing :smiling_imp: ) Vyral - Vyralis. See? this way I get from your surname “Rival” to words such as “Vyralis” which again sounds good to me and based on google translate means nothing in any language so it not anything stupid but this is only an example I don’t suggest to use it.

I suggest to play around with some words and names you like, and come up with some results in few days maybe we can also play around with your results and find a winner that way :slight_smile:

But you can even use words that means something but sounds good.

Some existing example:

Or you can even piece together two words (don’t have to be from the same language) to make an unique name for example: Leadwerks.

The point is that, please don’t use it name to refer to any of it properties functions and state. Just be simple, light and unique.

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How about Libre Game Studio?

→ 3 word, too much :smiley:

What about just changing the “official name” on all pages, on the wiki in the software and on the forum from Game Develop to GameDevelop ?
Could it be more more search engine friendly ?

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How about dropping game and just GDevelop?

Another solution that sounds interesting because we can keep saying GD to shorten the name, no major change in the logo, and I think the name is kinda cool. It was the name of the webapp but I should change it shortly from GDevelop to GDevApp.

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i like gdevelop too :slight_smile:

Having it be one word is a plus for search engines. If that word is unique- even better!
Having the word suggest that it is open source can be a plus, but it is not a must have. If you dont like it thats alright :slight_smile:

There is only one website with the gdevelop name

there are no websites with opengdev and no organizations.

I kind of like Rival. It does sound cool.
The Rival engine! :sunglasses:

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Switching to GDevelop will be hassle free compared to Rival.

Can even name the web version of GDevelop as GDWebApp

gdevelop is definitelly more unique than gamedevelop.
Google and a lot of search engines will automatically split the two words and give you results if they were split. That is if they are gamedevelop- easy to identify by search engine and go to “did you mean game develop?”

If it were gdevelop on the other hand- that is a unique word. Not two generic words written without a spacing.

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Hi, I just found about Game Develop yesterday, I tried Construct Classic two years ago hoping to make my first games, but I quit using it (I got frustrated because I couldn’t do a proper game in fullscreen with scanlines without messing up the whole desktop). Now with Game Develop my interest has revived again, I will try to make my own game with Ghouls and Ghosts-like mechanics.

About the name, how about “GAMAKA”? It’s game + mangaka (creator of mangas, but it this gase of games); GAMAKER could be confused with Game Maker so i discarded it.

I think I’ll rename Game Develop to GDevelop because it’s shorter, sounds nice, is a shortcut for “Game Develop”, and GD acronym can still be used.
And the web app will be called GDevApp :slight_smile:

Awesome! When will we see this? :smiley:

sounds like a good plan! Needs to be updated on wikipedia and other sites

Yes absolutely :slight_smile:
There is also the website, forum and wiki to change. Let me know if you think about others location to be changed.

I’m working on this in the source code, then I’ll release a new version I think with this name change and the tile map object. :slight_smile: