I just updated to 5.4.209. When you try to add or modify an action or condition for prefab objects in the extension screen, you choose the object on the left. Sometimes nothing happens. Other times, it shows random text in the search box. It only seems to happen with the prefab object event sheet.
Create a project, add a prefab object like a button and try to add or change a condition or action.
It then adds the object name using the weird characters.
Here’s a video. Sometimes the search box in the center or (towards the right) has the name of the clicked-on object but other times it says either random looking text or the name of a behavior. When I moved my cursor around the search box it’s because the search box doesn’t match the clicked on object.
Long View of the process.
Closeup view
Edet: I just re-installed the previous version (5.4.208) The bug was not in that version.
Edit: I take that back, it is in the previous version
For the button control, it seems to work fine for the first 2 object but not the others
You can see in the search box on the right that sometimes it shows the object name and other times the name of behaviors or random looking text. If you click a condition or action, it uses that weird text as the object name.