Build Error - Logs Included

Hi all.

I have built games previously, but I am currently having trouble building the windows zip file build online. It comes up with the “something wrong happened” message. I have built all the icons like some old posts suggest to do. Does anyone have any ideas, please? The log is as follows:

Error: e[31mExit code: 1. Command failed: wine /root/.cache/electron-builder/winCodeSign/winCodeSign-2.0.0/rcedit-ia32.exe /worker/dist-1673ebb4-2a63-43a9-9c64-fac4d9484a78/win-unpacked/testGame.exe --set-version-string FileDescription testGame --set-version-string ProductName testGame --set-version-string LegalCopyright Copyright © 2019 gazzillion --set-file-version 1.0.0 --set-product-version --set-version-string InternalName testGame --set-version-string OriginalFilename --set-version-string CompanyName gazzillion --set-icon /worker/dist-1673ebb4-2a63-43a9-9c64-fac4d9484a78/.icon-ico/icon.icoe[39m
e[31msystem.reg is not a valid registry filee[39m
e[31muserdef.reg is not a valid registry filee[39m
e[31muser.reg is not a valid registry filee[39m
e[31mUnable to load file: "/worker/dist-1673ebb4-2a63-43a9-9c64-fac4d9484a78/win-unpacked/testGame.exe"e[39m
e[31msystem.reg is not a valid registry filee[39m
e[31muserdef.reg is not a valid registry filee[39m
e[31muser.reg is not a valid registry filee[39m
e[31mUnable to load file: "/worker/dist-1673ebb4-2a63-43a9-9c64-fac4d9484a78/win-unpacked/testGame.exe"e[39m

I think this is a known bug. Try to package it yourself using the tutorial on manual packaging on the wiki.

Ok. Thanks for that. I’ll give that a shot.

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