I’m trying to make it so when the volume slider is dragged it changes the volume of the sound but I can’t find the “global variable action” only “variable action” so im not sure if that’s why i cant change the volume of sound with slide.
the first picture shows that the global variable action isn’t shown
the 2nd pic shows settings events where I can drag the slider and change volume
the 3rd pic shows that it’s playing music and changing the volume with the sliders variable (at very bottom of picture)
Global, scene and local variables are now covered by the same “variable action” expression. You select the variable, and GDevelop will determine whether it’s a local, scene or global variable, and the type of variable it is.
Variables have been simplified. There are fewer actions/conditions. Scene and Global variables actions/conditions have been merged along with number, string and Boolean. They’re also making it gradually easier to declare the variables while adding events.