Checkpoint Chaser, 2D Top-down Racing game

Checkpoint Chaser

Checkpoint Chaser is a two-dimensional top-down racing game featuring four tracks (with additional tracks to be added) made using the built-in level editor.

This game features:

  • Very basic art (I am not an artist :frowning_face: )
  • 5 tracks
  • Local multiplayer (2 players)
  • Race against bots (up to 5)
  • Level editor (with built-in documentation)
  • Play custom levels (by pasting a level code made by you or anyone)
  • Sound effects made by me (some SFX are made by others)
  • Music (I didn’t make any of the music in game)
  • Mobile support
  • Save results


Main Thumbnail

This game is playable on these platforms:


Now that you’ve read the features list and the minimal description, why not try it? It’s free to play, and you can help me by telling me about a problem or asking for a new feature.

Fixed Many Bugs.


Bugs fixed include:

  • -fixed engine sounds

  • -fix hole sounds

  • -fixed multiple bots instances not being able to jump properly

  • -fixes for Careful Jumps, and Sharp Turns

  • -fixed bots having some unfair advantages.

  • -fixed player controls

Instructions for what keys and mouse functions are on the level builder .

Instruction before game starts on what to avoid. I’m a bit slow and took a few run-ins into the brown block to realise I need to jump over it.

Something behind the text on the start screen (a darker area ideally) so the text is easier to read.

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Very useful feedback.

For this, the built-in docs do tell clearly pressing what does what. You can view it by clicking the gear icon then the question mark.

If you managed to build track, please consider sending it to me as a PM (No to clutter this topic or forum with ramdom codes)

Ha, yes, once I found it. And that documentation is good.

Even with that information, it took a bit of searching to find it (the gear icon looks like an enemy from Xevious, it’s usage not what I expected). It’s more logical to place the question mark icon (or an “i”) on the editor screen, so the information is close at hand, so to speak, and just one click away.

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Version 0.5.6 Release Notes!!

  • Enhancements:

    • Increased text contrast with a dark background before race starts.
    • Improved Editor UI for easier access to documentation and clear identification of information.
    • Added a tutorial for Demo 1.
    • Modified movement for better performance in low and inconsistent frame rates.
    • Unified and streamlined race transitions with an option to disable.
    • Introduced power-ups and updated tracks to utilize them.
  • Bug Fixes:

    • Fixed issue with jump functionality in multiplayer.
    • Disabled crowd effects in low quality mode.
    • Fixed a popup issue in the Level Editor.
  • Content:

    • Added a new track.
    • NEW TRAILER! (In

I am excited to tell you what will come to 0.5.7:

  • A new bot system, now bots can go multiple paths instead of one path by using ray casts to detect an approachable node.
    Thank you so much, @Keith_1357 and @MrMen, for the help with ray casts.

    • GIF showcasing the new bot system
  • A new look and keyboard navigation system. The UI theme is now better and has been changed to be more usable. The level editor is much better, and the built-in documentation has been stylized to identify headers and make it more readable. The UI is accessible using keyboard (I only need to improve it because it doesn’t iterate between elements in an expected way).

  • Improved Accessibility options. The highlight player option now uses a better thickness for outlining the player to ensure that people with poor vision are able to see the player. Not only that, but highlighting the road makes the road brighter, and with the dim background option activated, it makes the road very visible.

    • image

The list above lists some notable features, not all of them.


New update, 0.5.7

It took me a while to release this update, but hopefully other updates should not take this much.

  • New features:

    • Rebind controls for keyboard and mobile
    • Pause in-game
    • Redesigned ALL levels except Careful Jumps
    • Mark finished levels with a check
    • More accessibility options
    • Reset data button
  • Improved:

    • Level editor UX
    • Better documentation for Level editor
    • Better UI theme.
    • Slight movement changes
    • Better Bots
  • Fixed:

    • Too many bugs, I forgot to list them in the changelog.

And many more stuff that I also forgot to list in the changelog.

The next update will be bug fixes and some minor features, if any, to make sure these updates release faster.

You can play the game at:

  • (Not recommended, Slightly worse than the downloadable version)
  • itch io (Downloadable version)

Critical Update 0.5.8

  • Fixes

    • Mobile Controls
    • Engine sounds fix
  • Improved

    • Sound variation
    • Moving buttons

What is next?

The next update should hopefully
include new tracks and maybe in the
future, I might implement modes like

You can play the game at:

  • (Online version, Not recommended, Slightly worse than the downloadable version)
  • itch io (Downloadable version)