[Closed] Two more polls, WorldStudios? I think you have to many!

Dear viewers, playtesters, GDevelopers, Unity downgraders, and Scratch upgraders,

I have two more polls to give to you. The first one is: Should I make a game document? (Yes, I haven’t!) The second one is: Should I start a Twardy Beta devlog video series? Please fill out both by June 4th.

Should I make a game document?
  • Yes, totally!
  • No, definitely not!
0 voters
Should I make a Twardy Beta devlog video series?
  • Yes, totally!
  • No, definitely not!
0 voters

Idk what to do, @WorldStudios

For game document, I assumed you meant game design document. If that’s the case, I’d say skip it for now.

A video series could be cool, though.

A GDD is reasonably important. It give the direction of the game, focuses on what should be developed, defines the scope of the game and reduces or eliminates scope & feature creep. Otherwise you end up drifting around from idea to idea and can end up with a disjointed game.

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But will the GDD cause you to necessarily create a game that’s fun and attracts players?

No, it won’t. But that’s not the purpose of the GDD.

When I say Game Design Document, I mean a GDD for Twardy Beta so people can see what I’m working on. Twardy Beta won’t be available to the public; it will only be available to my playtesters.

Wow. I didn’t think people would show up for this. I only thought 1 or 2 people would vote.

Hey @MrMen, should I close these polls early? Nobody is doing them anymore.

The polls are closing right now.