Closing Twardy for further testing

Dear GDevelop coders,

On June 7th, I will be closing Twardy for further testing. Only @Ambytar, @MrMen, @arthuro555, and @shadowbrine will receive alpha and beta versions of Twardy. Meaning alpha v1.0.0 will be the last version to the public. I would like to thank everyone I mentioned in this post.

Farwell, @WorldStudios

Do you will continue to work on “Twardy”?
Could be a cool surprise effect one day, if you pubilish a high quality final version comparable with stardew valley which no one has expected.

For your gametestings I would recommend you to put also the focus of presenting updates of the game to people (IRL) where you can accompany and observe the process of playing.
In my experience they can give a lot of good constructive ideas directly and the oberservation part can give you a lot of input for improvements.

Thanks for allowing me to still play tye game

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Thanks for the tips. I will continue to work on Twardy over the summer, give you beta versions, and then release it back on GD Games. Twardy might come back big, but it may take some time.

Thank you for helping me along the way.

I will say I am sorry but I don’t remember helping is it just something in one of my foums again sorry I am asking this my mind is weird

It’s fine you said this in one of my post: When game done can you send me link

Ah seems like something I would do lol🤣

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