Custom title bar [SOLVED]

Is there a way I can make a borderless window thats not in fullscreen aka custom title bar?

I don’t think so, at least by GDevelop design.

The most you can do with a window is change the window title

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Thank you for the help!

OK I found a way to make it happen, to do it you have to compile the game yourself,
1 - Export the game for desktop
2 - Open the “main.js” file with any text editor, it should look something like this:

function createWindow() {
  // Create the browser window.
  mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({
    width: 700,
    height: 524,
    useContentSize: true,
    title: "game",
    backgroundColor: '#000000',
    webPreferences: {
      // Allow Node.js API access in renderer process, as long
      // as we've not removed dependency on it and on "@electron/remote".
      nodeIntegration: true,
      contextIsolation: false,

3 - Now, under height put titleBarStyle: 'hidden', like this:

function createWindow() {
  // Create the browser window.
  mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({
    width: 700,
    height: 524,
    titleBarStyle: 'hidden',
    useContentSize: true,
    title: "game",
    backgroundColor: '#000000',
    webPreferences: {
      // Allow Node.js API access in renderer process, as long
      // as we've not removed dependency on it and on "@electron/remote".
      nodeIntegration: true,
      contextIsolation: false,

4 - Now save and compile and you will no longer have title bars.
If you want to learn more about this you can check out electron docs


Thats pretty awesome man! Thanks for the amazing info!

Im sure this is gonna help tons of people! :smiley:

u can also create them with javascript :OO