Dialogue tree parse

If you’re using JavaScript, verify your code. Otherwise, this might be an issue with GDevelop - consider reporting a bug. Full error is: Parse error on line 4: Unexpected ‘Identifier’

Error: Parse error on line 4: Unexpected ‘Identifier’
at Parser.parseError (eval at createParser (file:///C:/Users/unloc/AppData/Local/Temp/GDTMP–1/preview/Extensions/DialogueTree/bondage.js/dist/bondage.min.js:4:28753), :149:63)
at Parser.parse (eval at createParser (file:///C:/Users/unloc/AppData/Local/Temp/GDTMP–1/preview/Extensions/DialogueTree/bondage.js/dist/bondage.min.js:4:28753), :150:1356)
at e. (file:///C:/Users/unloc/AppData/Local/Temp/GDTMP–1/preview/Extensions/DialogueTree/bondage.js/dist/bondage.min.js:3:26946)
at r (file:///C:/Users/unloc/AppData/Local/Temp/GDTMP–1/preview/Extensions/DialogueTree/bondage.js/dist/bondage.min.js:3:18861)
at Generator._invoke (file:///C:/Users/unloc/AppData/Local/Temp/GDTMP–1/preview/Extensions/DialogueTree/bondage.js/dist/bondage.min.js:3:19981)
at Generator.e. [as next] (file:///C:/Users/unloc/AppData/Local/Temp/GDTMP–1/preview/Extensions/DialogueTree/bondage.js/dist/bondage.min.js:3:19040)
at Object.e.dialogueTree.startFrom (file:///C:/Users/unloc/AppData/Local/Temp/GDTMP–1/preview/Extensions/DialogueTree/dialoguetools.js:2:2488)
at Object.gdjs.Untitled_32sceneCode.eventsList12 (file:///C:/Users/unloc/AppData/Local/Temp/GDTMP–1/preview/code0.js:1444:21)
at Object.gdjs.Untitled_32sceneCode.eventsList13 (file:///C:/Users/unloc/AppData/Local/Temp/GDTMP–1/preview/code0.js:1620:121)
at c.gdjs.Untitled_32sceneCode.func [as _eventsFunction] (file:///C:/Users/unloc/AppData/Local/Temp/GDTMP–1/preview/code0.js:1786:27)

I ran into this error too, and I was able to solve it by getting rid of the spaces for my options area.

A is the correct formatting, the text in green shouldn’t have any spaces. :blush:

Let me know if that works on your end.

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I’ve just run into this issue as well, this is my forum linked below, however, after following your steps, I’m still encountering this glitch. Just want to know what I may be missing?
G-Develop Glitches

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Hi Emma!
Sorry for the late reply.
Try switching to “<< Flatboy >>” (Adding a space before Flatboy)

Can I see your Decision Area too?
By Decision Area I mean this


No worries about the late reply! Thankfully I received some help for this issue and was able to fix it, thank you for your help and time anyway!!

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