Different visual representation for NONE declared variables

This topic has been mereged with Different visual representation for NONE declared variables - #12 by ZeroX4 (as it discusses the visual representation).

Can we get different visual representation of not declared variables?

This is what i get right now

They work i am using them
But i would say red ! exclamation mark maybe even in circle would be enough
Yet making them red + getting wave underscore (idk what is proper name for it)
Looks just tragic

Now i do not know are my variables are not declared or i wrote something wrong in them


And i did not realize it earlier but look at this
I got error when i try to call NONE declared variable

Yet engine do not care if its declared or not when i try to call/reference it?

This looks really bad
I just want to say so it is clear
I am VERY VERY VERY against declaring variables
For me it is wrong idea to try to force users to declare every single var created or at least most of them
In my eyes declaring should happen only when you want var to have some value which can be different depending what you do at beginning of the game or before you even interact with such var
So i am biased against declaring every single var
Where i cannot judge with fair view was it good decision or not

I always did wonder why we do not call scene and global variable just by
SVariable and GVariable
Or even SVar / GVar
Same as we have GlobalVarToJSON

This is the reason why i’m not going to update…
I’m not a fan of the new variables system…old system was perfectly fine…and understendable even for newbs.
At least they could have left to dev the choice to not declare em…
i’m not going back to check all my var in a 5 years project…
Totally agree with you bro

Also the old var system was usefull to have everything in order.

Efforts should be put on things that don’t works.
Also i don’t think that this gonna boost performances…(but i may be wrong)…then waz the point?

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And i was waiting for someone to jump on forums with request to bring back old var system because i refused to believe i am the only one who find new system bad
OR not to call it bad but more confusing and problem generating than straightforward and problem solving

I will give that to new system it helps avoid mistakes
Since declared vars can be found in auto fill

But other than that i see old system as superior version
I really wish we would have both system coexisting instead of switching from one to another

many requests are not taken into consideration, i stopped asking cos it make me looks like a retard. :). it’s not a critic. I know it’s hard to hear every request

About the new vars system only those who have been developing for a while will understand the differences.

newcomers will not notice anything…

but still i agreee with your post…to my eyes the new method is really bad…
i’m gonna wait more experienced users opinions.

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You know to be perfectly fair
HOW you wanna ppl in charge of how engine looks to know you wish for change?
You are only1 replying to my post yet as for now i see 3 other users liked it
So i say we need to voice our opinions
Yet we split into ppl who do not care and can live with the change and into ones that feel something is wrong to the point that we need to speak up

As for new users case is same as always
They will see it as only thing that ever existed
While they will not know what was taken away from them

If i got it right, your complaining that when using un declared variables their name goes red? Wasent that changed already?

I use un declared variables all the time and that dosent happen, i just did it again to sanity check and…

Seems to work fine…

Am i missing something here?

I tried it on External Events just to double check and it also works

Un declared variables dont go red any more, its been changed for a while now.

You guys may wanna consider updating the client…

Or again, you mean something else?

your ss shows the old method
…bouh explanation here

Undeclared Variables were not a problem, whatsoever.

It was just nice to have so you wouldn’t need to waste time on a new variable. I would use normal variables for a good bit of things, but I used undeclared for a lot of background stuff. So having to make a new Variable makes it harder to work on stuff.

Seems my update was a day late, i just got it and this is beyond dumb.

Old method of what?
Does new method fix issue i mention where undeclared variables don’t look like error?
Because i have latest update and i still see it as error

And issue is not that i can declare them to not look like error
Issue is i do not have the choice if i want them to stay not declared
Or did you mean something else and i don’t get it?

@PiercingGames I see declaring variables as some extra step for lion share of variables you don’t actually need since its declaring for sake of declaring
If it works perfectly fine not declared then it should not highlight it as error in my eyes
A lot of vars we use do not make any sense to be declared
And now i am just waiting for ppl flood their var list with vars they used just to test something then find proper structure array in the list to delete it
I say for bigger projects it will fast become a mess

I I havent gone in depth.
I refused to updated the moment i red the the news and then your post.
Simply because ive many (object) undeclared vars that i don’t want to check back again…since they works fine atm.
also i prefer the old method because i can see what kind of var im editing…
and for what i said above

I say for now every1 are blinded by multiplayer feature
I care to wait for them to get bored of it and go back to making none multiplayer games and see how they like new variables system

BTW i say you should try new update
You should not judge something before trying it out
You can backup your gdevelop by opening any folder typing in address bar %appdata% hit enter and copy somewhere Gdevelop 5 folder
For example copy it to documents
Now you can update and try what we get
If you don’t like it you again open appdata folder delete Gdevelop 5 folder and copy over here one you backed up in documents folder
THAT IS if you are on windows

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I understand your point. Mosts of the time i like to test things…It was like this before…i eagerly waited every update just to test things…
but now I’m at dev point that i can’t waste anymore time on testing things.

At the moment my game works fine…i even fixed my problem with Tiled…
What i miss are a drawing system with sprites in editor and a better object manager…
as long i don’t see any update who can improve my game i’m gonna skip.
But this is off topic

Ask yourself how this update could improve my game? …then your answer.
This is my way of thinking rite now

This update surely don’t improve my game…and is not needed…

quoting myself again here:

This is the reason why i’m not going to update…
I’m not a fan of the new variables system…old system was perfectly fine…and understendable even for newbs.
At least they could have left to dev the choice to not declare em…
i’m not going back to check all my var in a 5 years project…
Totally agree with you bro

Also the old var system was usefull to have everything in order.

Efforts should be put on things that don’t works.
Also i don’t think that this gonna boost performances…(but i may be wrong)…then waz the point?

also i prefer the old system because i can clearly read which kind of var i’m editing…

imo they merged all variable conditions/actions into one for coding economy.

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I did understand what you meant and i am of a same opinion
I have few years old GIMP and 2 years old aseprite
Just cause their updates do not offer me anything i would use
And in some cases they even take away some functionality or to be precise change where they are
For example right now in GIMP i have hue-saturation tool in my tools list

If i upgrade to to any never version of GIMP this is removed as a tool and now instead of just clicking it from tools list then clicking on image to change hue saturation or brightness easily
I would need to click from menu bar Effects > Filter > Hue-Saturation
I mean i still would be able to get the end result i wanted but path to achieving it would be not so streamlined as clicking big icon on tools list
Not to mention that one extra click i would need to make (yeah life breaker)

But my point is exactly same as your point
Why to upgrade if it does not offer me anything better

Even worse why upgrade when i feel what i get will be lesser thing of what i have right now with older version

And so here we come back to gdevelop
I am waiting maybe something will change with variables maybe this change will be reverted or adjusted to NOT penalize ppl who do not want to declare variables

My best out of two worlds solution would be
Same as we have add force to object
We select will it be permanent force or instant
Why we can’t have same exact thing with variables
Where we have just change variable or check variable
And in condition/action select is it scene or global
Where we would just have separate action/condition for object variables
And then there would be no need for declaring anything

But whatever
Let just wait and see how it goes