Dirty animation. soooo dirty

Can anyone help explain wtf is so dirty about my hitbox? I wash it every day! lololol jk

For real though, I haven’t paid it any mind because it’s never said anything but “false” before, But I was scanning through the debugger and noticed :

Screenshot 2024-06-29 120316

I’ve never seen it say anything but “false” before and so naturally, I got curious. Nothing in help files on it, and no similar topics here I can find. Any ideas gents and ladies?

ps sorry about the tasteless joke. I couldn’t help myself…

Note that these are not properties of the sprite, but internal variables of the engine, and thus the names or usage reflect implementation details that are not meant to be read or modified with the debugger.

In this case, it is an internal flag used by GDevelop to know just before rendering if the sprite animation or animation frame has been changed by events, in which case it must replace the texture that was displayed so far with the one of the image that is supposed to be displayed now.

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I appreciate you. Your explanations are thorough and concise. TY.