Error 500 when exporting

When I try to export my game I get this error (Error while building the game. Check the logs of the build for more details. Request failed with status code 500). I tried to make the game smaller. Got it to 79MB and still the same issue. When I run the debugger I get a couple of issues that I don’t know how to resolve. But the game runs perfectly in the preview.

I deleted ALL scenes and I still get the error.

And when I trie to export an APK i get Error: unexpected end of file

for web: Error: Unable to read stream or parse zip: unexpected end of file.

Hi and welcome! :slight_smile:
As the screenshots tell you, check your effects, some parameters might be missing, and check your video (supported format + request interaction before playing).
Also, check that you’re using the latest version of GDevelop, and fill the fields in Game settings/Properties.
Finally, go to the Resources tab and remove invalid resources if there are any.

Errors in the game will never affect the game’s build. The one-click build service is managed by the GDevelop company, try sending them an email at with your GDevelop account email and username. They will hopefully be able to help you troubleshoot the issue.

Hi and thank you for the reply! I removed every mention of the “Effect2” and i still get the same error. I did manage to fix the video issue but the 500 error on export is still there. I can export to htlm no problem tho.

Thank you! I will do that right away!

how did u opened debug for export?