I think it a bug. I’m trying to get actual canvas height and width using SceneWindowHeight() and SceneWindowWidth() expressions, but the preview stops at 90% and I get this error message in the consol:
TypeError: gdjs.evtTools.window.getCanvasHeight is not a function code0.js:30
This is the full content of the console if needed:
"pre-main prep time: 246 ms" libGD.js:119
"Initializing GDJS platform" libGD.js:116
"* Loading builtin extensions... BuiltinObject, Sprite, BuiltinCommonInstructions, BuiltinCommonConversions, BuiltinVariables, BuiltinMouse, BuiltinKeyboard, BuiltinJoystick, BuiltinScene, BuiltinTime, BuiltinMathematicalTools, BuiltinCamera, BuiltinAudio, BuiltinFile, BuiltinNetwork, BuiltinWindow, BuiltinStringInstructions, BuiltinAdvanced, BuiltinExternalLayouts, done." libGD.js:116
"PlatformAutomatism, DestroyOutsideAutomatism, TiledSpriteObject, DraggableAutomatism, TopDownMovementAutomatism, TextObject, Platform initialization ended." libGD.js:116
"fade" "/preview" "/preview" contact.js:8
"Serialized project is being sent to the server..." gameService.js:126
"fade" "/home" "/home" contact.js:8
"fade" "/sceneeditor" "/sceneeditor" contact.js:8
"Pixi.js v1.6.1 - http://www.pixijs.com/" pixi.js:12
"fade" "/eventseditor" "/eventseditor" contact.js:8
"fade" "/preview" "/preview" contact.js:8
"Serialized project is being sent to the server..." gameService.js:126
"Pixi.js v1.6.1 - http://www.pixijs.com/" pixi.js:12
TypeError: gdjs.evtTools.window.getCanvasHeight is not a function code0.js:30