Example Project problems

Everytime i try to open a example project and i want to run it, i click on “Preview” which can be found under Scene. According to the tutorial. this should work normally on all projects. However, when i press it, it doesnt do anything. What am i doing wrong?

When clicking on Preview for a HTML5 project, your browser is launched and the game loaded in a new tab.
If it’s a native game, the game is loaded inside the editor.

Just make sure that you click on the top part of the ‘Preview button’ and not on the bottom part: In this case, there is a contextual menu that is displayed to allow you to choose the platform for the preview (useful when your game have more than one platform).

I tried it, but nothing happens. I also run a clean install of windows 7 pro. And here are my specs if wanted:

Core i7 920
6 GB Ram
Geforce 9600 GSO

For native platform, you have to make sure in the editor the scene is selected before press preview, to stop preview, you have to press edit in the left upper corner otherwise you should get error message I believe.

But maybe your firewall or antivirus block or limit some components that needed to run preview, for instance: g++.exe, cc1plus.exe…etc
Make sure in your firewall and antivirus settings, GD directory and all it content is trusted. Look at your firewall, antivirus statistic and file rating if any GD component has been blocked, limited or rated as untrusted, anything belongs to GameDevelop directory, enable it, trust it. unblock it in firewall and antivirus.