Exporting your HTML5 game to APK using Cordova CLI

Hi there guys

Here is the tutorial I promised on how to export your game to android using Cordova CLI.
Please take note of the following :

  • This is my first tutorial ever !
    *My native tongue is not English…I’m from South Africa.



Nice one :slight_smile:
Thanks for sharing.

You might want to consider to put it on the wiki instead of sharing a doc:
wiki.compilgames.net/doku.php/gd … publishing

You can create new pages for your tutorial and you can also upload images, then put a link to it on the above page :slight_smile:

Hi there ddabrahim

I will do that …thanks for the advice.


very useful thank you very much

Nice. I will try it and see if my app has sounds.

Congratulations Roelof1978!
This is a great tutorial.

Unfortunately, again not sound to me. :frowning: