Howdy! Good morning/afternoon/evening, thanks for clicking on this post!
Well, for introductions, I am making a “Platform-Fighter” game, and well, development is having some troubles but… Nothing that can’t be repaired, I guess!
Here’s some footage if you’re interested: (Footage and art may not represent the final release)
Anyway, I would like to have some feedback upon my game’s optimization (because I’m worried about it, after all)
Well, if you know this genre, you know there’s more than 1 character, and well, I’m not sure on what’s the best way to make more than 1 character while optimizing the code.
For example, my player object contains it’s own collision with animations and a lot of behaviors:
- Platformer Character
- Smooth Camera
- Smooth Platformer Camera
- Platformer Character Animator
- Flash
- Fire bullet, and more…
And well, in the way my game is set up, if I wanted to include more characters on this same sprite, I would have to include more animations on this same sprite, of each character and it’s animations. This means that I would have to make another event that would set the animation to: ToString(Player.Variable(character)) + ToString(Player.Variable(State))
and remove the “Platformer Character Animator” behavior
But, I thought of an alternative! Would it be better to make a separate object just for the collision and a separate one for each character’s sprite? But, this would result in a LOT of new objects, wouldn’t it?
So I’m really confused in which choice would be the best to make the game be as optimized as possible… Does anyone have any feedback?
Oh, and if you want to give feedback on other stuff too, feel free to do so, I would appreciate it! Thanks for reading