I’m not sure if this kind of post belongs here, but I would like to suggest this.
As some of you may know, internet sensation Lil Bub has recently passed away.
I kinda feel like Florian should make another Lil Bub game in her honor, since his first Lil Bub game was so good.
(I’m not demanding Florian makes another game, it’s just an idea)
Note: Sorry guys, I meant to add this to open topic. I started typing it here, but decided to move it to open topic. However, the draft saved it to here and it posted here. Should I move this to open topic?
No I don’t think so. That was a dark age for GDevelop, apart from the platformer behavior and some bug fixes that was required for the game, GDevelop did not received lot of updates for almost 2 years. It was practically dead. Don’t know if it was because of the Lil Bub game entirely, but it must have been part of it. I prefer 4ian working on the engine.
Also, I don’t know the details but 4ian was actually paid to make the game.