Game Develop 3.4.72


I have now tried to download Game Develop from this forum and; Version Windows with installer. Each time downloads are stalling when practically completed.

File from web site gd.exe reaches 72.6 of a reported 72.7 MB.

File from forum gd34722.exe reaches 64.7 MB of a reported 64.7 MB but still reports the download has a few seconds remaining and cancels when I try to override.

Using Windows 7 64bit - Browser is Firefox.

2 Questions

  1. Any suggestions as to why the downloads are freezing? (Has not occurred with many previous unrelated downloads)
  2. Why the discrepancy in the two file sizes?

Thank you


This version published on the forum is still a testing version (read my first post, I said that “For now, this version is only available on the forum:”), I’ll release a public version on the website once it is ready (still some bugs to be fixed).

For the download, please try again, sometimes the server can be very slow :frowning:

Thank you for the clarification - I had read the first post but after viewing your later one (August 19), thought you were indicating the two download venues, website and forum, were by then carrying the same versions.

It was a bit confusing I must admit, sometimes I release “testing” version on the forum and I wait a bit before making them available on the website to be sure that there isn’t any major problem.

In any case, I’ve just released GD 3.4.73 both on the forum and on the website :smiley: