Game Develop 3.4.72

Game Develop 3.4.72 is available:

Game Develop is now open source!
New automatism: Top down movement (4 or 8 directions).
New russian translation: Thanks to Airvikar!
Multiple images can be dragged from the image bank to an animation of a sprite object.
Updated SFML library: graphics improvements, errors and memory leaks fixes on old graphics card.
Updated Pixi.js library: rendering of HTML5 games is 400% faster, improved CocoonJS support.
Added support for Intel XDK, to export HTML5 games to Android or iOS.
Minification of HTML5 games now faster with UglifyJS. Require Node.js to be installed.
The scene editor now displays the border of the window.
Fixed crashed when searching in events.
Fixed support of projects with filenames using Windows separator () on linux.
Various fixes.

For now, this version is only available on the forum: (Windows) (Windows, without installer) … _amd64.deb (Ubuntu)

Please do backup of your game files before opening them with this new version: files saved with this version can’t be opened by an old version.

New automatism!
Better HTML5 performance!
Export games for Android or iOS!

That’s just great!

Thanks for your hard work 4ian! :slight_smile:

In my opinion you had developed one of the most complete and revolutionary pieces of software of this decade!

OMG! OMG! OMG! :mrgreen:

looking forward to the linux builds!!

Btw if you would like to get others to make builds for you, now you can absolutely do that thanks to the open source nature.

Somebody needs to write a BUILD script for Arch linux. The current one only drags a debian file and converts it:
It doesnt compile from source. The reason I am mentioning arch is the fact that it is currently the best distribution for building bleeding edge packages from source. Its very good at that and why many people are using it.

The other thing that would be nice, but not as automatic as it is in arch, is to make a build script for debian and ubuntu users. That way people will compile it themselves.

The third is to setup a cooker- a server that automatically builds a package using the build scripts.

What does the build script do?
It automatically downloads the entire source code from git. It checks for dependencies and installs them for you before hand. Then it compiles the source code and creates a package. Lastly it installs the package. Arch linux and its popular user friendly derivatives (manjaro linux) use AUR and users just have to type:

and it builds the latest git automagically.

Please note that your git repository is not anywhere in google search results. It is not anywhere on gamedevelop’s official website yet.
You need to make it easy to discover in both search results and the official website. Gamedevelop’s name is not helping, but the website is not helping either. You should announce the git repository the way you announced the web version of gd

Posting tarball with sources for that specific version would also make creating build easier.

It is! There is a button just under the download links.

Anyway as it seems to be not visible enough, I’ve renamed it from “Contribute” to “GitHub repo.” and the “Donate” page is now called “Contribute” and invite the user to check the GitHub repository. :slight_smile: I’ve also added links on some texts (like “Open source” in the feature list on the home page) to the GitHub repo.
I hope that these links will help the GitHub repository to gain a better place in the search engines result.

You mean tarball for each release of GD? They are on GitHub: :slight_smile:

I’ll wait for a linux package

Thanks for the update! :smiley:
Note: When I checked for updates in my GD it didn’t show me that a new update is available. Only thanks to erdo I realized that a new update is ready.

It’s because this version is still not avaible for Linux. :wink:

Oh man I was hoping this update fixed the gravity bug :cry:

Thanks 4ian for creating such an awesome dev tool great for prototyping! :slight_smile:

I’m still working on a bug (memory leak) before releasing the final version including this bug fix.
But I’ve just updated the links with a patched version fixing the bug, see my first post. :slight_smile:

I’ve finally solved this serious memory leak issue, and added automatised tests (see that will make sure that such bugs won’t ever happen again :slight_smile:
I’ll release a public version in the next days, I’m working on fixes on Ubuntu. Then it will be time to add some nice things to :smiley:

I’ve updated the links of my first message with the latest version (, forgot to update the latest number but just download again GD and re install it).
Let me know if you have any bug. I’ve also uploaded the Ubuntu version. :slight_smile:

awesome work!! :smiley:

Thank you!!

I would recommend to use the edited Russian translation where I fixed some mayor errors which can prevent GD to work properly when Russian language is used. For example, leaving English text for path of New projects and for selected choises ‘yes’ or ‘no’.
The edited .po file is here: viewtopic.php?f=22&t=4753&start=20

Oops, I’ve missed the updated translation, I’ll include the new one :slight_smile:

With version 3.4.72 stopped working the option “Preview” in Web applications platform for Google chrome browser :frowning:

Just send me the game that stopped working, or open the develop console in chrome (F12 key) and paste here the error message :slight_smile:

This is the error in chrome

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘FPSmin’ of undefined
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)

In internet explorer works fine

Make sure that you clear the cache : When previewing the game in chrome, press Ctrl+F5 to reload the page and force the browser to clear any data in memory.

funciono, muchas gracias :smiley: