Game Develop documentation is now available online

The documentation of Game Develop, previously available as a chm help file, is now available online on the wiki: … umentation

As the wiki is collaborative, feel free to enhance a page, correct typo or add a help page for a feature which is not covered by the documentation. :slight_smile:

Umm, where can I download the CHM manual? I don’t always have the Internet Connection when needed …

Also, does GD have Multiplayer support in HTML5? If not, which library should I use? or node.js? (I know JS barebones, I will check to see if I can use it with GD) …

BTW, it’s very nice software, very promising and impressive …

There is not any CHM manual available anymore: All the documentation is now on the wiki ( It’s collaborative and easier to update ).

Multiplayer is not supported in HTML5, mainly because there is not a good support for Web Sockets among the web browsers for now. Moreover, even with the network extension available for the native games, it is a hard task to create a properly working multiplayer game as it needs lots of skills and knowledge to understand how things works: I prefer to work on extensions and features that will be useful for a larger part of the users of Game Develop :slight_smile:

Great. Now when there’s no internet connection, I have no access to help.

You should provide static, offline version of wiki with installer, it should be latest available version at time of building GD. Then do connection check (by e.g. pinging servers wiki is on) and if there’s connection use online, live version, if there is no connection, use static, offline (and perhaps bit outdated) version of wiki.

When the help was CHM only, people complained that it wasn’t collaborative and that nobody need a offline and outdated help and that it would be better to put it online so that people can find the articles/tutorials when making a search on the internet.
I’ve put a lot of time copying all the images, copying all the texts, reformating everything on the wiki so as to have a nice collaborative and always up to date help and now people complains that there is no offline version :smiley:

More seriously, I can understand that sometimes you do not have access to the internet but it’s not a big deal: Just download a offline utility like Httrack :
Make a local copy of the wiki using it and you have your own offline version of the help for when you have no internet connection.
I prefer not to use this method myself for official versions as :

  1. It is not something which is really nice ( there will be not working links )
  2. It’s yet another thing I have to remember to do before releasing a new version, and even if its seems to be not a lot to do, in fact it is: The less I have to do before uploading a new version, the more likely I am to release new version frequently and without forgetting things.

Hi there! Do you think to translate wiki into another languages?

I’m not sure, I’m only fluent in French and English, so I prefer to stick with these two languages so that I’m able to update the wiki properly :slight_smile:
But you can create a “unofficial” Game Develop wiki for another language yourself, and I’ll be happy to add a link to this wiki :smiley:

…Or I can simply to translate documentation into Russian. :smiley:
P.S. I’m not familar with wiki, so I don’t know how it’s works. :slight_smile:

4IAN, umm … can you just not use the Google Translate plugin in the site (that wiki page)?

Google Translate is absolutely TERRIBLE at translatic technical texts such as manuals or documentation for software like GD :wink:.