Games, interactive content and stories.

Hello everybody!

Well, I am visiting this forum since june/2014 , but only now I am introducing myself. My name is Ricardo, from Brasil, and I work with illustrations, animations, and other multimedia things. I use Linux, and opensource, free tools avaiable since 8 years ago. It was a “hard” migration from proprietary software, but… I’ve got it.

I like Gdevelop a lot! It’s an intuitive and powerfull tool for interactive content creation. I am studying it for interactive books creation, interactive presentations and …maybe …a game, or two.

I can not contribute to much with codes, cause I am not a coder. But if I can help somehow, You can ask me about something about: sprites creation, animation, layout designs and anything that’s is visual, or multimedia( using Blender, Synfig, Inkscape, etc).

Thanks for all support!

Hey, how are you? :laughing:

Welcome! and thanks for your support too! :smiley:

Hey! I’m fine.

Now workin on a lowpoly scene to generate character and background objects to test on Gdevelop.

Here is a screenshot:

Testing isometric, lowpoly, 8bit scenes…