GDevelop 4.0.88

GDevelop 4.0.88 is available! :slight_smile:

Changes since version 4.0.85:

Fixed Vertical Synchronization and framerate limit not applied after changing the window resolution in native games
Fix small bug in Destroy Outside behavior of HTML5 games
Add an option to repeat borders and center textures of PanelSprite objects for HTML5 games
Improve performances of PanelSprite objects for HTML5 games
Fix hitboxes collision condition for HTML5 games
Fix conflicts when exporting a game using different images with the same file name.
Fix error when deactivating a behavior of an object that was just created.
Fix scene editor not properly refreshed after being resized on OS X.

As well as all the changes brought by version 4 compared to version 3:

Huge internal changes to have multi-language support (“Unicode”) in games.
New AdMob object, that can be used to display ad banners (or interstitial screens) in HTML5 games exported to iOS/Android with Intel XDK.
Automatisms are now called Behaviors for objects (more intuitive and easier to understand).
New scene stacking feature: a new action allows to pause the current scene and launch a new one. You can then go back to the previous one with another action. This makes it easy to create a pause menu, a RPG combat system, rooms/building that you enter from a map…
Improved export of HTML5 games to Cordova/Intel XDK.
New editor for text objects
Add “Save as a folder project”: projects can be saved with scenes, external events and external layouts stored in a different file for each. This makes it easier to collaborate on a game as a team.
Hold Shift in scene editor to resize object while keeping its aspect ratio.
Hold Shift in scene editor to rotate an object in increments.
“Snap to grid” now snaps objects when resizing them in scene editor.
Improvements on TileMap objects, including a reduced memory consumption for large maps.
Improvements for HDPI (“retina”) screens.
Several bugfixes for pathfinding that should now work properly in all cases.
Fixed search not working in the objects editor.
Fixed extra border condition of Destroy Outside Behavior.
New PIXI Particles advanced Javascript demo.
Fixed objects from hidden layers could still be selected and moved in scene editor
Internal code cleaning and improvements.
Fixes for Mac OS X in the scene editor.
Removed compilation of native games to a single file executable (was too unstable and prone to antivirus blocking).
Add support for horizontal mouse wheel in the scene editor.
Various bug fixes

Please note that due to multilanguage support in games, projects saved with version 4 can not be opened with version 3.


You can download the new version on GDevelop website:
OS X and Windows version are updated and I’m uploading the Ubuntu version :slight_smile:

Great! Great news!
Updating here for Ubuntu!!

GDevelop 4.0.88 is also available for Fedora, Arch Linux and OpenSUSE. :slight_smile:

Great! I’ll try in Arch too! Thanks.

i cant download the 4 version from the page…is the 3.6 version what let me download… can you give me a link??

What OS?
The Windows files are updated, the first post notes that the OSX is updated too, and the Ubuntu version is currently being uploaded (maybe it’s ready now) :slight_smile:

I got the Ubuntu update yesterday. No problems so far.

Sweet! How does the Scene Stacking feature work though? How do I use it?

The template (when you create a new projet) called “Angry Peas” contains an example of the scene stacking feature use. It allows the game to display a pause menu and then get back to the game without “losing data”.

Okay, seems fairly easy to do. Thanks! Is there is similar scene-stacking method to place an HUD in each scene without manually coding it? As in, health bar and stuff in a separate scene, and just calling it as an “overlay” in each scene?

Also, it won’t seem to let me play the pause button unless I compile it. I compiled it, tried to play the executable, now it’s giving me this error:

error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Which is strange, because the file is already there… I’m using Ubuntu, BTW.

Do not confuse between the layers (which stacks graphical element on the screen) and scene stacking which is just an “imaginary” concept of keeping the running scenes in RAM while playing another.
For what you want, you should look at “external sheets” where you can set up the objects (and their instance position) for the HUD. Then, use the action to create objects from a external sheet at scene launch.

Are you launching GameLinux ? Because it won’t work if you launch ExeLinux.

With overlay scenes for HUD, I was thinking along the lines of Blender Game Engine… :blush: To have a constant HUD throughout the game. But I think I know what you mean. :slight_smile: I’ll try that.

Also, GameLinux works! Thanks. :smiley:

Great! Love you added admob object!

Say, when tilemaps will be available for html5 target?

Awesome!!! :smiley: