Gdevelop 5 non-controversial post

sorry but I’m translating with google I hope everything is translated well …
the thing missing in gdevelop is the final stage … I try to explain myself …
as long as it’s about simple things the whole community is always available “and thank you for that” but when it comes to final things … those that allow you to monetize your idea … to the marketing of your product … everything ends…
in fact you do not have help for the fundamental things such as making gdevelop and a database work together … which as many will know are fundamental things to be professional … or a simple management of the ads … ggevelop for this has external modules that then they should be updated with google policies … the same goes for in app purchases … with de-obfuscation files … in short … according to my experience it would seem a very advanced program to make games to show to the desk mate …
guides should be made to be able to create accesses through facebook and google … as found on games created by large companies …
on balance … the time you take to learn how to use this program could be wasted time if you don’t do something … if you commit the same time in unity “as it is today” it would be time spent 100 times better. … maybe I’m wrong but this is a personal opinion based on my experience with gdevelop 5 and its community …

Hello Urkokan,
it coukd be useful to compile a list of points tha you think are missing in GDevelop.
I don’t understand how we can help you .
Whn you say "monetize your idea " waht do you mean ? You can create a software and sell it .
You told about a Database…you can connect to Firebase; there are tutorials and examples to do it.
Please help me to understand .


hello and thanks for your reply

  1. when you publish an app, google asks you for a de-obfuscation file … and I have not found anything related to this … neither in the forum nor in the program
  2. when I talk about monetizing I talk about it in general … I mean that phase in which you publish an app and make it a minimum salable … so with the possibility of choosing a username by creating a ranking with other players etc. etc. it is true that they are not essential things … you will agree with me that it is true that it sells better if completed with these things … which can be solved with the firebase
  3. when I talk about database I mean a database … like mysql there is no guide about it … I tried firebase and it works fine … but when 30 people entered my app, the requests increased and then you have to pay …

in the end I think that the more advanced things are missing … which then serve to close your application and put it on the market as it should …
until I ask how to jump … how to run how to animate … on the community we are full of answers … but in the end what is actually needed … and just what I ask … at least according to mine opinion…

be clear … I’m sure that if I create mario bros I make 100 downloads immediately … but if I create competition … and I can only create it with a database … “firebase is not a possible choice” you will agree with me that i 100 downloads definitely increase …

If you really has knowledge of PHP and MySQL is not impossible to work with in fact I have 2 websites that are connected to each user (GDevelop)game to display scores.

But the PHP/MYSQL part is made by myself without the help of the commmunity because is up to me to develop what I need for the API part and server side.

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1 - I published an app without problems. I have create the file using the GD compiler. There are two options: apk or bundle. Chose bunde (Publish your game to Android and iOS - GDevelop documentation)
2 - you can manage the leaderboard using the GD default commands (
3 - I suppose that you are taking about share database. If you want to manage a relational database you have to create a webspace that include a DB and write the commands. I’m sorry but I never do it so haven’t other details.


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Hi urkokan,

I understand that the translation is not conveying your points exactly as you mean them. For me personally your post is actually controversial. It is clear that your initial post is kind of a rant. I guess you are frustrated and that’s understandable when you encounter a number of obstacles at the end of your gamedev process. As jumpingj wrote your actual requests are difficult to understand - your second post helps maybe a little bit.

What is your guess why the community cannot help you with that? Generally, the marketing of your game has nothing to do with the tool you use for making it.

Unity is an engine that has more than 5000 employees. From this perspective it is not surprising that it probably has a number of tools out of the box that allow you to implement monetization-methods easily. If your goal is to make a commercial product without much headache Unity is probably the best option you have.

I don’t know if you are aware of that but what you write comes across as if you expect to have everything for free but for your own product it is of course completely normal that you monetize it.

It seems some of the things you are requesting require advanced skills/knowledge that many people don’t have or are not willing to share for free. The easiest way to solve this - if you cannot do it by yourself - would be to hire someone and pay them.

Just to be clear, requesting some features that allow you to monetize your game and to make it easier to implement that, is probably something a lot of users would appreciate. But, no one has the duty to do that and people feel probably less inclined to help you if you come across as grumpy and demanding. Anyway, this is just how I felt about reading your post and probably I am wrong about that.

I hope you get the answers that you need for publishing your game successfully.


yes!! I was quite sure that there was someone who would answer me in this way …

  1. where do you see my being grumpy and demanding ??? don’t you think that such feelings would be better to have them if one discusses them live and not by reading? those are just words … your feelings you should feel by listening to the tone of the voice and the features of the face … and you are completely out of the way … not to mention on another planet because i am friendlier than you might think …
  2. I’m just saying that gdevelop in the end is not a tool that allows you to do everything … that in the end it is a very powerful means to move the objects on stage according to your will … but it lacks big shortcomings … like those listed above … but also the multiplayer that is not p2p … and in my opinion it would be great if someone insiders thought about it … I would immediately increase my purchase plan …
  3. I have never demanded anything from anyone … I also asked for help from the community by paying but no one came forward … if not a single guy who did half of what he had to copy a tutorial … which is I am also capable of doing …
  4. as far as the community is concerned I’m not blaming those who know and don’t share … I’m just saying it’s limited … but sorry … it’s obvious that no one is required to help you … but it’s your obvious answer … but in the end … if the cycle does not end, it remains a small program for its own sake … everyone who makes a game hopes to see it working with 1000000 downloads … but if fundamental things are missing … what do you do with it? ??

from your point of view I agree with you … because maybe you are an expert and you are perfectly capable of connecting your game to mysql … and possibly respect your willingness not to want to share it … that’s why they seem ridiculous and frustrating my words … actually if you care … i’m just disappointed … because it’s ugly in my opinion … seeing something that could fly but can barely walk … just because … there are people who don’t share your knowledge …

I have a question for you about it … if all human beings would not have shared … don’t you think we would still be in the prehistoric era ??? in 2022 ??? where is a sharing policy created in many commercial activities?
you are in possession of the secret … that’s why maybe you don’t agree with me very much … instead many who do not have your secret … and of course they would like it …
in conclusion I say …
as long as the community continues not to share the things it knows … it is totally useless to study gdevelop well … because it remains limited … much better to study a programming language and use a program that works with that language … such as for example unity and c # and time spent much better … and if you are good … you can also work for companies …

gdevelop … and great … but still doesn’t know it could be the best …

thanks as always for your answer …
the tutorial that you linked I have already seen … but it is always an external solution to gdevelop … you always have to rely elsewhere … I was talking about mysql to have a solution that depended only on gdvelop … and without it … also firebase … are all solutions that force you to rely on others …

Glad that I met your expectations. But even though you knew that some people may find the way you communicate problematic, you did not bother to put it differently.

I think so and that’s why I wanted to tell you that possibly some people who would be able to help you, could be put off by your post (maybe I am extremely wrong about that).

You are comparing Gdevelop which has a small team of developers and a different approach than other engines with Unity and rant about limited build-in functionality for monetizing your game. You also complain that firebase takes money and it reads as if you expect Gdevelop to provide the infrastructure you need for your game for free - but again at the same time it is completely natural that you make money with your product.

Absolutely agree, and especially if there is something another engine offers out of the box, it is probably better - if the commercial aspect is the motivation to make the game - to use that engine instead.

For me it looks like you demand stuff from people who don’t owe you anything.

That’s up to every single user to decide. I find it fun to use, but my motivation is not financial and I also don’t want to land a job in the gamedev industry. Gdevelop is free and Unity has quite generous pricing policies. There is nothing that stops you from using it, if you come to the conclusion that your time is better spent with it (this is not meant to be snarky, I really mean it: there are many tools out there for particular purposes and if time and/or money play a role, it is better to use the one that fits).

Btw I have no idea how to solve the problem you have (never worked with mysql), otherwise I would let you know without asking anything in return. I agree that sharing is essential and I think the Gdevelop community does that very well. If you don’t get the answers to your questions the chance is very high that most people in the forum did not do that or did something different instead.

Again, your requests for added functionality is completely reasonable and it is also understandable that you are not happy that something that you need is not added or difficult to achieve. My personal problem is that you start to blame the community and the engine without considering that you are using a free tool that is made by a small group of developers and the community. I get that you are basically asking for added functionality but it is not only what you say it is also how you say it.

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I seem to have already explained to you that reading is different from speaking … and only by listening you can understand if a person is grumpy … this is what science says … if one writes you cannot understand if there is irony or sadness or happiness. . how do you do??? believe me if you had guessed I would have paid you a golden weight to teach me it … because it is just impossible … be very careful … you often change concepts just to be able to persistently be right … but you keep thinking in this way what do you want me to tell you ?? I hope at least that this gives you satisfaction and makes you live a life with more confidence in yourself … I can not help but tell you … YOU ARE WRONG !!! ^ _ ^

I don’t think anyone wants to help me because several times I have asked for help in this but no one has ever come forward …

then reading your answers I see that you continue to walk on horizons that only you see !!! can’t you just stick to what I write ?? everything would be simpler … I’m not comparing the development team … but the time you spend trying to learn the 2 programs … and hence the comparison between unity and gdevelop … they are 2 programs that they cannot be compared at all … I am talking about time spent learning … and I repeat that if one wants to do something more productive and serious … it is better to switch to unity or other … because as long as gdevelop remains as it is 'it’s just a waste of time … it’s a toy … certainly very powerful … but as powerful as it is limited … what does the development team have to do here? hats off … think i’m so happy to use gdevelop that i pay the subscription … just to entice the team to innovate … because only with money you can say thank you to whoever is making you use gdevelop … i hope to having clarified this point too …

and to be clear … I enjoy making video games … only at the end … I think … if you can earn after you have fun why not do it ??? and as soon as I tried it I realized the great limit it has … and I wanted to share it … and to be even more honest … hoping that someone who has the solution will share it, making this gdevelop an extremely complete program. . of course I don’t mean that gdevelop has to generate the money for me by itself … but just make it possible to play online without P2P and the rest of the things listed above … and clearly I don’t think they have to do that …

you continue to be aggressive in answering me … you behave almost as if what I write … I mean it with malice … unity is free … I am already using it without paying … gdevelop is free … and I am paying for it … let the experts confirm it if you don’t believe me … your desire to blame me is too high to be able to answer everything I’m thinking of avoiding answering you for that everywhere I notice that you treat me as someone who demands … one who expects … one who wants to force others to do something … this conversation is taking an absurd turn … I am reading and gradually I try to answer your every point … but the more I read the more I see that you always have the same thing to say … you use 1000 lines to always say the same thing … how ugly I am and my way …
at this point allow me to suggest you without thinking that I want to offend you to consult a specialist … realize … that from 4 lines you have read … you are extremely sure you have understood things … but in the end you have not understood anything. .

I try to explain it to you in a few words … I created the post to talk lovingly about some flaws of the program … and certainly … if someone has the solutions to what has been said maybe he gave them and helped many … not just me … POINT!!! I have nothing else to add … but you are constantly seeing arrogance in everything … I made you the comparison between 2 programs only in terms of time spent on learning … and you made an incredible confusion … inconveniencing team development etc etc … I’m talking about making money from your ideas … and you pop out showing everyone that you are beautiful because you don’t want to make money … I could go on and on but I think I have already spent too much time …

remember that I personally: “I am responsible for what I write not for what you understand

because to my disappointment I notice that either you understand very little or nothing … or you are the classic keyboard lion … who really has nothing to do and in total boredom he enjoys turning matters to his liking … look at that monsters do not exist … not in this post … not even in the world … think about making video games instead of continuing to create monsters ^ _ ^ and just a suggestion

Let me answer that in your own words

and the proof is this thread which includes suggestions from jumpingj and UlisesFreitas (actually my post was also half meant as a kind of help).

Anyway, no need to escalate that further :man_shrugging: :heart:


look … I don’t know whether to laugh or cry … everyone speaks with their experiences … when I say that I think no one wants to help me … I say this because sifting through I found someone who has found the way and the solution but has not explained how … not even the code used … I mean that no one helped me in that specific case …

what I am asking is something that in the end some know well … but they do not tell you … they hide among the usual fake excuses …

that you report “no one is obliged … people have to do … they do not know or do not want … they have done differently …” these are the 3 or 4 answers that are given … but the reality is very different …

if it is true that you are not obliged … why then do you feel obliged to explain simple things? how to jump … how to move etc etc … ???

I’m about to say things clearly … who knows … doesn’t WANT to help in these things … and I … I’m not here to ask for them … I ask … and if I have no answers, it’s clear what I say … " nobody wants to help me "but referring to that particular topic … be it firebase or mysql or other examples …

the justification to be given and only one … “who knows does not want to say” stop … there is nothing else to invent … which is legitimate as an answer … personally I think so because no one is obliged … then for heaven’s sake … it is clear that someone can feel frustrated and think the exact opposite of what I think … and even in this case … I think this frustration is justified … because if it is true that gdevelop was created to simplify life … if life does not simplify it and totally useless … there were already many other similar and free programs …

the facts are different from the justification … to say I can’t because you don’t want to is a lie … better keep quiet and at least have the good sense not to justify with the usual excuses …

I created a post to get help in mysql … no one gave it to me … no answer … I’m so happy … rather than receiving messages from people saying to me … sorry but I don’t have time … I know but I don’t have to help …

some time ago before paying gdevelop I talked to someone who if I am not mistaken was an employee of gdevelop for information that I could not find … in the end … this was the answer I received … I’m not crying ??

now do you understand ??? is it clear to you or do you still insist? if you don’t understand, come to pvt I’ll try to attach a drawing

Hello all,

It is obvious this thread has run its course, and is no longer constructive. With this in mind, it will be closed.

To clarify some points:

  • Gdevelop has multiple out of the box monetization options. It seems these options are not the ones the OP wants.
  • GDevelop has out of the box database options. It seems these options are not the ones the OP wants.

To the original poster, I am sorry you are not finding direct answers to building out something for your specific use case.

As with many things in game dev, you may have to build out solutions on your own, which will likely involve you learning the system you want to use and the methods to implement them (e.g. learning MySQL, API integration, and JavaScript).

Feedback on the engine is always welcome, but making combative threads are not. Regardless, I hope you find success in your gamedev attempts going forward.