I firmly believe that everyone is right untill proven wrong, so i just spent a couple hours proving some people wrong, so that we can actually start piling up some useful information.
GDevelop has performance issues, their random with no obvious cause, different machines have different results no matter the specc, different boots of the same build on the same machine has different performances.
Common possible solution, it might be because its a laptop or the GPU not being recognized.
This is false.
I just spent the last hour looking up all the ways to manually activate my GPU to be sure it was working while previewing my game in GDevelop.
The result? No changes, one boot is perfect FPS the next the FPS is horrible.
Was the GPU really online? Yes, i checked the Task Manager, GPU was in usage at 33%, after closing the game down, it went to idle 1%.
This was both true during the good FPS and the bad FPS.
Its also not a memory or a CPU issue, got plenty of memory open and same with the CPU, both are properly engaged because… well the computer is running and everything is smooth except for the game.
This issues persists after Exporting the game into a finished build, both as a Desktop build or a Browser build in gd.games.
Im fairly certain its not a machine issue but an issue with how the engine interacts with it.
If you have any sort of usefull information about this, please leave it detailed in a post.