Hamster Run - Pets Gamejam

Yayyy, I finished a game. I liked the pets theme but had no idea what to make, but love it how ideas just come when there’s external constraints. And it’s also good to feel the push to finish.

My game is keeping a hamster balancing on a board. I don’t know if it’s too easy/boring so if you have any thoughts on that or any other feedback I’d love to hear from you.

I feel so lucky that GDevelop exists and that I can actually make stuff. I used some things for the first time such as storage, leaderboards, global variables, particles and high scores.

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I tried it. Well done, it’s well made and in a very short time. I played on mobile phone and it was definitely not “too easy”, I barely last more than 3s. Maybe I should have tried on computer. It was fun tho :))

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Thank you so much Bluzima. Yes, haha, it’s definitely more difficult on a phone.

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