Help, tweens are stupid-ing

I am working on a game called Walk on grass, and i want a image which when hovered it zooms in indicating it was selected, and hovering it makes it zoom in but moving the cursor off it stays the same size, help, here is a screenshot

In 2nd event you don’t have trigger once
Also you should have separate names for each tween
YET idk if that is a rule for per object or all object tweens

You have 3 tweens with the same name running at the same time. Don’t. Tween running at the same time on the same object each need a different name.

Additionally, the three tweens all change the Y position. This will cause conflict. They are not queued up. They are all run simultaneously.

If tweens need to be run one after the other, then add events to check when each tween has finished and remove it from the object start the next one.

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