Help With Art style for my Game :D

Trying to figure out the art style I’m gonna go with for my game

This will basically be for…

cutscenes? (if i choose to make any with art)

Textbox NPC cutouts (displayed below)
FYI the Stardew cutout is for testing

Here are drawings ive made over the past yearish

Goes from cartoony to edgy?

Idk tell me which u guys like
choose like 3 :smiley:

Well, I have a recommendation for you. If you want your game to use your own art and you don’t want to use any assest pack, then I recommend you learning how to do digital art. It’s not like I know how to, but since your art on paper is good, then learning digital art will be much easier because you already know how to draw on paper.

needs a lot of work

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It looks good. I’ve been trying to make some “rough” style art of sort myself, but not too rough. Pretty much like the lines that you use.

There’s this tutorial on youtub by Pens n pixels I’ve been looking into. He draws on graphing paper or something to get the right art resolution. Maybe you might like to also have a look and give it a try.

Oh and if I’d pick from those you presented, I like the leftmost on the bottom row, then 3rd one from that looks promising. Also the one you used as example.

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