Since I cant compile directly from gd I am using cordova. I am almost there but there is a little error (two if you will). Please help guys, I have search the entire internet.
“Requirements check results for android:
Java JDK: installed 11.0.1
Android SDK: installed true
Android target: not installed *** this one
cmd: Command failed with exit code 1 *** and this one
Gradle: installed C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\gradle\gradle-4.6\bin\gradle
Some of requirements check failed”
Hey Umar. I don’t know if you already managed to export your project but I’m going to write a plausible answer to your post.
If you’re using Phonegap and you’ve installed it using command line (cmd) then you have to use JDK version 8 not 11 next thing is (if you haven’t done it already) you have to set up windows system variables.
This article was extremely helpful for me: … d-studio/#
Just one thing to add there:
In the step 1, point 7 you have to start a windows command line and then type in the command line: npm install -g phonegap
For people who are trying to export their project to android by themselves and have no idea how. Read the first step of the article above then do this:
I would completely ignore step 2 in this article and instead download: “PhoneGap Desktop” from and simply created new project there. Then you have to copy and paste config.xml and www folder into the created phonegap desktop project (when you use “export manually” option in gdevelop. Gdevelop will create those two files). Then go to cmd, go to your folder with phonegap project and type “phonegap build android” then start Android Studio and open project by going to your phonegap project → platforms, and select the whole android folder and open it.
(to change your disk partition you have to type the partition letter and then colon for example typing “D:” would change the disk partition to “D”; and then you have to go to your phonegap project using “cd” command for example “cd Program Files\MyProject” will get you to the folder MyProject in Program Files folder; if you need to go back then use “cd…” command for example if you’re in the “C:Users\MyUser” folder and you want go back to “C:” you have to use the command “cd…” twice). Hope that helps .