These might be a red herring and not affect the game, but they’re things that I’d first check:
Third screen shot, second to last event of the Game section, it looks like you are tweening every platform with no condition. This will be happening every single frame. Add a condition to check that the tween isn’t already playing.
In the lava section, you tween the lava when the timer is over 20 seconds, and pause the timer. But it will stay over 20 seconds, and create the tween every single frame. Pause and reset the timer.
When the player hits lava, the scene is paused and GameOver is started. Does the GameOver scene stop and resume the paused scene?
First event of playerAnim section, again the tween could be created over multiple frames. Check the animation isn’t already playing as part of the conditions.
One more question? When I add a random value to a timer, Is that random value chosen each time the timer resets or only once? and if it is only once, How can I make it random each time the timer resets?
ok cool, because I feel that Gdevelop’s random, isn’t really random? When I use random, the next chosen value is pretty close to the previous chosen value
How can I save Values. I remebered previously using the file system but now it looks different? I want to save Highscore and and load at the beginning as well as overwriting lower scores.
I would have thought using the “Save a scene variable to to a JSON file” and “Load a scene variable from a JSON file” would do the trick. If you create a structure to hold all the variables to be saved (say called GameState), then you can use GameState as the variable, and all the variables under it will be written and read.
And it loads back using "Load JSON fromfilenameinto scene variable GameState" (I set the integer variable to 0 and text to “No-one” to confim it gets loaded). Initially score is treated as a text, but as soon as it gets incremented it is converted into an int.