Hi! I'm an artist wanting to become a game developer

Hello, GDevelop community! :cowboy_hat_face:

Some time ago I decided I wanted to learn how to make video games, and I stumbled upon GDevelop. I don’t remember how I did that, considering I didn’t even know what game engines were (yeah, sorry), but I’m really happy I did.

I’ve been experimenting with the app for a while now, and I decided it’d be great to join the forum to make the whole thing a little bit more exciting, and to somehow become more engaged with my learning journey.

Hope to meet you all soon.



Welcome, Lunes.

Hope to see your art in a video game soon.


Welcome to GDevelop! :smiley:

I’m an artist as well! Been using GD for a couple of years.

Mastering GD will take a ton of diligence, but as an artist, I’m sure you already have that quality down pat! I’ve even managed to publish my 1st game earlier this year! :laughing:

Don’t hesitate to ask any questions on this forum if you run into any issues. You’ll find that many members of this community would be more than eager to aid you. :wink:


Thank you! I’ll be seeing you :smiley:

Thank you! There do seem to be very nice people around here.
And hey, congrats for the game! :grin:

I’ll see you!

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