Ho, ho, ho, Happy Holidays

Merry Christmas everyone, hope the festive season sees you in good spirits.

For most of you, it’ll seem weird that those of us in the southern hemisphere spend this time of year on the beaches. None of this wrapping up in layers of clothing in sub-zero freezing, sitting in front of open fire nonsense. We often have BBQs on Christmas day, wolf down ice-creams before they melt and slather up in sunscreen as we spend time outside in the blazing sun.

For those who don’t celebrate Christmas, whether it be because it’s not your religion or something else, I’m curious if you have a holiday over this time, do you celebrate some other way or is it just another passage of time?

I’d also like to give a shout-out to the GDevelop team - they’ve done a fantastic job improving GDevelop in leaps and bounds with regular, and big, enhancements. It was not long ago there were posts abound about GDevelop being only a 2D games engine - merely mentioning 3D meant your post was potentially moderated as it often caused heated debates. And now it’s launched into the 3D game realm with gusto, and the 3D topic comes up regularly on the forum. It can only get better.

So, happy holidays, and I’m looking forward to helping more n00bs understand the fun and joy that GDevelop can bring.



Happy holidays to you too, MrMen!

I see what you mean! I live in Brazil and as they say here “it’s a sun for each person”! :sunny:

I don’t celebrate Christmas, but I love this time of year! I love to see the flashers in the houses, the atmosphere of fraternization and spending time with the family together.

Absolutely! I remember when I started my game about 2 years ago and when I look at how far the game engine has progressed I’m blown away! And this year was special! So many great updates!

I can’t wait for you to keep helping, haha! Even when I don’t create posts, I often find answers from you that solve my problem. So a huge thank you! Hopefully this coming year I’ll be able to complete my game and show it!

Again, Happy holidays!!!