How can I load scenes in random order?

How do I make the scenes run randomly, what I mean here is all I needed is to know how to load scenes in a random order until a game over or it loaded a specific scene to end.

In what context am I gonna use this for? A word game that loads each question randomly so I won’t rely on a linear scene switch. To avoid the repetitiveness and predictability of the next question.

I just finished a project that created random items from an array in each scene, and the random items that were created also created their own random items from object arrays they had. That way anytime you play the scene it is different. You can probably figure out how to do the same thing for loading scenes by listing them in an array. Here is the core piece of logic my project used:

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I appreciate it but I preferred the scene to be randomized not the objects of the scene to be randomized.

You can probably figure out how to do the same thing for loading scenes by listing them in an array.
In your normal event that changes scenes, roll the random number, store the scene it gave you in a temp var, remove that number from the array (unless you don’t mind it repeating scenes of course) and switch to the scene you have stored in the temp var.
If you don’t mind it repeating scenes, you could just roll the random number and change to that scene without using this logic I linked.
Also it’s early yet, I’m sure others will have some great suggestions of how to do it when they see your question.