How do I setup grids for isometric tiles?

Hello, I was working on isometric tiles. Downloaded the sprites from here,

But, I can’t align/snap the sprites properly. Its becoming like this,

The sprite size is 130x130 pixels. And the grip setup is in 32x32 cell size with 0x0 offsets. Its ticked on as isometric.

How do I snap the sprites together? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

I suggest you to change the grid parameters:

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For the grid, I believe the width should be twice the height. In your case, try 32,16 or 130,65

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Thanks for the reply. But by default the grid is set up to 32x32. Exactly, like you have shown.

Thanks for the reply. I have set it up 32/64/130.65, but it still does not work.

My mistake. Try 130,65 or some multiple that divides evenly with 130 if you want subdivisions. If you want a subdivision it would be 65,32.5

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Hi, I have tried 65, 32.5. But it still is not working. However, I have downloaded another asset pack (from Kenny). Isometric Dungeon Tiles by Kenney (Assets)
And it snapped together just fine (with 32x32 grid setup). Kenny’s sprites were 256x512 pixels.

Here it is,

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Good to hear. That other set seems to be in a different perspective or ratio.

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If you are working with isometric, have a look at Keith_1357’s great tools extension for isometric projection,


At the moment they’re just having trouble getting the tile to snap to the grid. Unfortunately, I was assuming the wrong ratio and the first tile set seemed to be at a different ratio/perspective. They tried a different set and it seems to be working. :crossed_fingers:


Yeah thought that once they were past the snapping phase they might need some help from the extension

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Thanks, yeah sure. I’ll look into it. Is it this extension?

It’s not an extension. It’s a few functions to convert from the isometric coordinates to the standard 2D x,y. I’m still working on it.

The isometric Pathfinder extension (not mine) is much more interesting.

This is an example that I made.

I have other versions somewhere if it interests you. You can also browse my github page. There’s a mix of all the example that I’ve made for various people. It’s basic stuff but interesting.

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Sure, I’ll check it out. Thanks a lot. I am pretty sure I would need them soon.

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