How do i teleport object 1 to object 2 if i have multiple instances of both object?

How do I teleport object 1 to object 2 if i have multiple instances of both object?

Im teleporting object one to object two. And i have another object one and object two. When i try to teleport object one to object two it goes to the wrong object two.

What is the expected result

Object one should teleport to the object 2 i want.

What is the actual result

When i try to teleport object one to object two it goes to the wrong object two.

Related screenshots

car is object one and start is object two.

Hi @TehBeeKnee,

You need to tell GDevelop which object2 you want to teleport to. How will GDevelop know which one to pick? You need to specify with a condition.

Sorry if I’m sounding dumb but how do I specify it?

I think this might help: Interaction between instances of the same object - #11 by KD42

Using a condition.

Can you share a screenshot of how the objects are placed in the scene so I can have a better idea of what you’re trying to do?