How to get in the Must Play Games List?

My project is currently 80% completed and it’s actually too early for me to think about it, but curiosity piques me:

After I

  • studied every Gdevelop Youtube tutorial.
  • read a lot of posts and stories about other projects in this forum.
  • tried lot of games on
  • read new and old Gdevelop posts on social media.

I have a few questions…

How can my game get big with Gdevelop?

How to get with a game (similar like the famous titles: “Bullet Bunny”, “Gods from the Abyss”, “Miko Adventures Puffball”, “Ball Challenge” and so on…):

  • in Gdevelop’s newsletter?
  • in Gdevelop’s social media posts and on Youtube Videos?

Is the dreamlike idea of ​​simply creating a good game enough?
Or is it this way: have relationships, invest money, rational statistics?

Could everyone, just with a good quality game, make it into the big list of must-play games?

The questions are in no way meant to be taken in a cheeky manner, I’m just motivated and ambitious to develop a good game.


this post is also available in german language, because my english is not the best

Mein Projekt ist momentan zu 80% fertiggestellt und es ist eigentlich für mich zu früh darüber nachzudenken, doch die Neugier weckt mich, denn:

Nachdem ich

  • jedes Gdevelop Youtube Tutorial studiert habe.
  • in diesem Forum etliche Beiträge und Geschichten gelesen habe zu anderen Projekten.
  • etliche Spiele auf ausprobiert habe .
  • neue und alte Gdevelop-Beiträge in den sozialen Medien las.

Habe ich nun einige Fragen…

Wie kommt man mit seinem Spiel groß raus mit Gdevelop?

Wie landet man mit seinem Spiel (ähnlich, wie die berühmten Titel: “Bullet Bunny”, “Gods from the Abyss”, “Miko Adventures Puffball”, “Ball Challenge” und so weiter…):

  • in Gdevelops Newsletter?
  • in Beiträgen in sozialen Medien und auf Youtube Videos von Gdevelop?

Genügt alleine die simple traumhafte Vorstellung, einfach ein gutes Spiel zu kreieren?
Oder muss man Beziehungen haben, Geld investieren oder zählen gar nur rationale Statistiken?

Könnte jeder, alleine mit einem guten qualitativen Spiel es schaffen in die große Liste der Must-Play-Games aufgenommen zu werden?

Die Fragen sollen keineswegs frech aufgefasst werden, ich bin nur motiviert und ambitioniert ein gutes Spiel zu entwickeln.

For a feature on the GDevelop socials/newsletter/, simply making a good game will be enough. Well, of course the team will need to notice your game first to know that if exists, but just making one post here or on discord about your game when you release it should be enough for that. If it looks and plays like a quality game, the team will gladly feature it.

Getting on GDevelop’s socials is relatively easy, but if your real goal is to make your game a profitable business then indeed you will most likely have to start looking at analytics and changes based on that, getting a good network of people to find publishers etc, invest time and money in the project, etc to get decent chances of success.

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Thank you for your answer.
I’m glad to hear that simply making a good game will be enough.
This is giving me hope and motivation. :slight_smile:

Hi. I wanted to add that you are in the right place if you chose GDevelop. This is because the GDevelop team is very fair when it comes to work. GDevelop has recognized some of my games on even if I am using GDevelop for free. I live in India. I am a farmer by profession and a programmer in free time. The GDevelop team know this because I have written about me on the Gdevelop Discord server on the introduce yourself channel and I used to write about me a lot when explaining things to others. From this you can see that the GDevelop team does not discriminate and does not do politics and they are strictly following the GDevelop terms and conditions. Other than this the GDevelop community is the coolest!

I also want to apologize to the GDevelop community through this message because I did something wrong on the Gdevelop Discord server which was a complete misunderstanding from my side. I hope the GDevelop community forgives me. Thank you.

It is nice to see that the GDevelop community is growing with nice and bright people like Ambytar joining GDevelop.

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I’m in preparation to release my complete game on on 24th Jan.


(Exclusivly, for an indefinte period of time.)
Maybe it is an uncommon, odd and eccentric decision… but it is personally easier for me for the next time to focus on just one platform. In the end my game started as a hobby art project.

To get featured - I guess… things changed now, or?

Once (I remember a few weeks ago) by clicking on the button at your game promoted: a form opened, where one can put in the link to the game and other infos in the hope to get featured.

  • Now clicking on the button, it is leading to this page:

  • And it seems that GDevelop Credits are / will be a related thing to it?:

So, credits, this would be the way now?