How to make top-down animation in four directions only

Here are the events that manage your animation when you are moving diagonally

Tweak them and you will get your nice little result :slightly_smiling_face:

Note: I am not telling to do this, make this, but I am telling you that there are events that manage animation and you need to tweak them.

how you get these conditions I get confused

Scroll Below (20 char)

Hmm I don’t understand

use your middle mouse button and scroll below

I was asking about conditions event like
Property default_controls of Object is true
Your custom conditions

It’s like Default Controls of other Behavior:

Its a property of my behavior that I made, it can be accessed here:

If you have this behavior attached to your object, there will be a Parameter in its Behavior Option

Well how to animate it or how to set my player walk speed

Actually, that behavior was incomplete, I got bored so I didn’t complete :grin:, so to change your speed, change your events, especially these:

And to animate, there is a large list of animation events in the scene’s event section:

So I try on my events that I made so change released key to key pressed invert so things get a little better but the last condition is left ideal so all the player stand ideal so what condition event I want use the that it when any last key pressed it need to play that stand animation

Did you mean, I release the left key, left Idle and when I release the right key, right idle and same for up and down?

I mean invert the pressed key condition and use for ideal animation

To got to the idle animation, I did something like this there
If any movement keys, whether it be right or left or up or down, is released:
Change the animation - 1

And the animation will change to idle animation.

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Hmm but what happening here when I pressed down key it play down animation and I pressed left with and released the key animation plays left ideal animation that what I don’t need it’s happening with other keys as well

So it which key I is released it face that direction

That’s because when you press down and left both at the same time, it changes the animation to left_walk animation and when you release those keys, they will stop at left_idle animation

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Not walk but ideal animation

No, they will be in walk animation. See here: