The situation is the ninja is in collision with enemy subtract health by 5, but I only want it every 1 second or something like that. Now if he walks on it the health goes way to fast down. Is there a solution for this?
Hi, the reason why your health count is being reduced quickly is because the collision is constantly checked and counted. Try to add a ‘Trigger once’ condition in your last event.
You could set a boolean scene variable player_dead to true if the player is dead and use that as a condition together with a timer to spawn the player after 1 min or whatever time you want. In the same event you toggle the variable back to false.
Just use the ‘create’ - action for the elf and specify the location. In the same event you have to toggle the variable back (btw you can use boolean variables true/false for that).
You mean the ElfFemale sprite does not appear? I am just guessing but it might be because you are using an object variable (Elf_Death). When you delete the EIfFemale the variable also does not exist anymore. I would try a scene variable instead.