In love with a piece of software <3

I never thought i could feel love for a piece of software, but Gdevelop gives me this feeling (don’t tell my wife). I want to say thank you to the developers for sharing this great piece of software and thank you to the community for providing a lot of information. I have tried different game engines where it took 1500 steps to make a character walk, which took the fun out of creating. All the other enigines feel like a screwdriver, while Gdevelop feels like a drill. I have been learning a lot this week and can’t wait to keep learning for years. It’s nice to meet you all, and I hope I can provide some useful information myself. Greetings from the netherlands :slight_smile:



Je n’aurais pas dit mieux :wink:

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Hey, it’s great to hear how much you’re enjoying Gdevelop! I’ve had similar experiences—finding software that just clicks can be really exciting. It’s awesome when something feels intuitive and easy to use, right? Keep up the enthusiasm for learning and creating. And if you ever need IT solutions, check out this London-based company: They offer excellent service you can rely on. You may fall in love with their superb work, too!