Is text difficult to read in this "origin story"? (video of an in-game cut scene)

If you get 2 minutes, turn on sound and watch the origin story. Work in progress so I’m wondering if the writing at the bottom is too small and flashes by too quickly? Or is it easy enough to read? It’d be ironic to have illegible text in a word game!


To me it seems to be a good size and scrolling at a reasonable speed, but it could be a tiny bit bigger / moved up.

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Good to hear the speed is reasonable. I’ll probably increase the text size a little and move the text up slightly then. Thanks for the feedback.

I saw this earlier today on my pc, I thought it was beautiful. So well done. Also I could read it well. Tried it on my phone and difficult to read.

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I watched it on a fairly small screen laptop and didn’t fullscreen the video, just watched it as sized in your post and I could read everything clearly and the speed was good. I agree with moving ithe text up a bit because I felt like it was a choice to read or look at the pictures and I wanted to do both.


I’m glad you liked it, thanks for taking the time to watch. Very useful info about the mobile issue too. I was thinking I might have to modify the whole game for mobile, but definitely these cut scenes by the sounds of it. Appreciate your feedback!

Thanks for taking the time to watch. I’m glad it was readable on the laptop and that the speed was good. I’ll definitely move the text up a bit as suggested. Appreciate your feedback.

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