[GitHub issue #5891] Editor remembering window's size and location

Hi, I love GDevelop, but I hate that when I open it, it doesn’t remember the window size/location where I left it last time, it always goes full screen. I need to have some visual access to my desktop, so I always click off the fullscreen which immediately minimizes it to this tiny little window which I adjust to my liking from there. Yes, it doesn’t take but a few seconds to do this, but why?? Please, please, please consider adding in remembering window size/location, it would be very much appreciated :slightly_smiling_face:


Totally agree.
I’ve mentioned this previously more than once but have been ignored. Maybe you’ll have better luck.

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Hello y’all!
Thank you for your insight.

Would you mind posting a picture of how you usually configure your workspace? (feel free to blur your desktop background for any sensitive information) I’d like to see the percentage of the screen (or screens) that you occupy with the app.

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Here you go, I screenshotted the process of opening the editor, minimizing it and then adjusting to a workable space. It would just be great if it would remember that “workable” location the next time I opened the editor.

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I also have been using GDevelop for a few years and would love to see this feature added. (Remember window size and position)

One other reason this is needed is for streamers. I like to stream GDevelop. I think that helps new users come in and I know creating tutorials and showing the program to others is one of our goals to spread this amazing program.

So, yet another vote for this feature. I was going to post about it but see others have. Please consider!

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Hello y’all!
Sorry for the delay, but I wanted to let you know that an issue has been created on GitHub and it is now open for development.

You can follow it (or contribute) here:

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How exciting!!! Thank you for this :slight_smile: