Hi Edit: Insertied the new link for the new build with thumbnail and description
I’ve made a prototype of a simple board game called Ludo:
For the final version I intend to show the board in perspective, polish the pieces graphics, bacground picture and implement some rules that I’ve left out for simpicity sake.
Some player personaliuzation and if possible multiplayer.
Any feedback is wellcome.
Thank you in advance
For now I’m leaving thew the two or more pawns at the same square situatioin aside. In the final version I’ll handle it. I’m not sure if I’ll dislocate the pieces to show both or just put an indication that there are more than one piece at the square.
Thank you for your feedback
Hi!!! i’m making a board game too. Mind if i ask how you made the pawn movement? when doing like 6, he pass by the center of five panels before, and i’d like to do that in my game.
Hi Skyman77. Sorry for the delayed answer.
I’ve computed all the pawns paths in a matrix before hand. Its one matrix for each player, so four of them. So when one of them is moving, I’m just looking in the matrix where it needs to go and where are the positions in between. A loop iterates each step until it reaches its final square. I’ve tried to do it by calculation and it became too complicate.