Keeping setting changes when changing scenes

Sorry for the late reply, I’ve been busy. Here you go:

No worries, there’s no rush from me for the screen shots.

The menu scene is fine (apart from the last event where you set volume to 75),

However, I misread what you wrote earlier, and so I looked through your Settings events screen snip again, and spotted the problem.

In the Settings scene, you are reading from storage on the condition that the scene has just resumed. This will never happen if you are opening the scene using a Change Scene action. Also, you are not setting the volume animations to the storage values.

The solution is to change the Scene just resumed condition to an At the beginning of the scene condition.

Then, in the same event or as a subevent of that one, you need to set the animation number of MusicVolume_Circles and SFXVolume_Circles to Settings.MusicVolume/10 and Settings.UIVolume/10 respectively.

tried it out, now the music and sfx volume won’t even change (still resets when i return to the settings page) and the music repeats when i go to the main menu. something’s broken, maybe im doing the variables wrong?