Large number to string is not working

Step 1: log LargeNumberToString(1000000000000000000000000000) to the console

It logs 1e+27

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Any progress on this? IDK if I’m reading this correctly but it looks like ToString and LargeNumberToString are using the same function.


it looks like ToString and LargeNumberToString are using the same function.

That’s the case indeed.

@Reborn, what are you trying to achieve? Relying on such a big number is usually not very safe in any computer environment.

A while ago because of some requests I made an extension that format numbers (example: 1000000 becomes 1,000,000) New extension: Format Number by github-actions[bot] · Pull Request #1112 · GDevelopApp/GDevelop-extensions · GitHub

But, it breaks after 1 septillion because gdevelop automatically formats the input to scientific notation.

I think this may be past the maximum number supported in Javascript? If so, it never makes it to the expression to begin converting it.

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