When my game is exported as an HTML, the second level restarts my phone whenever it loads. I don’t know if it’s a lag issue or what but I do know that reducing the amount of objects in the level does help
Smile Heroes
When my game is exported as an HTML, the second level restarts my phone whenever it loads. I don’t know if it’s a lag issue or what but I do know that reducing the amount of objects in the level does help
Smile Heroes
Welcome to the forum.
I don’t know of any particular reason that triggers a restart, so we need your help yet.
Android or iOS? Which version?
Do you do anything special in the scene?
Create thousands of objects, extremely large files, pertical effects, 3D, light, video,…
Any errors in the console(Ctrl + Shift + i) during the preview?
Thank you!
The error works sometimes which is probably why it is because of large amounts of objects in the world, I tested it out and it’ll work without that much objects so I’ll see if that is the issue it’s IOS